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The Avdhela Project - Aromanian Cultural Library

The Predania Association, through the Avdhela Project, aims at identifying, publishing and offering scientific and artistic works belonging to the Aromanian cultural patrimony and to other cultures which are related to it. These cultural assets, particularly the public ones, will become accessible and free to researchers and to all those interested in it.

The Avdhela Project is a non-profit, non-governmental one, accomplished by the activity of volunteers (authors, editorial group) and of institutions that are generally concerned with the research, evolution and preservation of the Aromanian culture.

The project will also include editorial activities on paper (books, magazines, brochures), multimedia production (audio CD, CD-ROM, films, etc); it will initiate and organize meetings, symposiums, summer schools, cultural programs.

The project is mainly focused on Aromanians, aiming at offering proper means of preserving the language, of knowing its origin, historic, social, spiritual evolution, etc. It also addresses itself to the Balkanian nations, among which the Aromanian communities live, so that it can be more deeply known, so that their culture, language, ancient traditions can be appreciated, respected and approached with dignity by those around them.

The principles guiding the Avdhela Project are:

• The coherency principle, expressed by:

  • – Acareful preservation, publication and spread of works underlying the Aromanian culture and those cultures related to it
  • – The use of ortographic rules proposed by Acad dr. Matilda Caragiu Marioţeanu, a field of study belonging to the tradition and evolution of spelling in Aromanian and used by popular authors.

• The principle of openness, expressed by:

  • – Developing the links between the Aromanian culture and the Balkan ones, as well as the world cultural legacy
  • – Offering the Balkan people opportunities of knowing the Aromanian specific traditions.

• The principle of freedom of use,materialised in:

  • – The freedom of all collaborators to publish works from the Aromanian cultural patrimony
  • – The free access to the Aromanian Cultural Library for all subscribers
  • – The support of young scientific and cultural elites.

site realizat de atelierul de grafică